Women’s trainings for empowering women for visibility and active participation in mitigating conflicts in communities affected by land agriculture and mining companies end in Moyamba and Pujehun districts with support from UNDP Sierra Leone, Office of the Vice President and Fambul Tok.

Lower Banta Women’s Training
The first phase started at Mosenesie in Lower Banta chiefdom. It brings 40 women from both Lower and Upper Banta chiefdoms in Moyamba district
The training is led by Battu Jambawai from the office of Vice President and assisted by CARL and Fambul Tok
During today’s training, participants will be taught in various topics such as human rights, gender issues, land rights, conflict resolution, advocacy, leadership etc.
On Sunday stakeholders were met and discussions on issues affecting the two chiefdoms raised
Highlights of the stakeholders’ engagement included chieftaincy issue in Lower Banta, surface rents and compensation for land use by companies
Focus Group discussion was also held bringing 30 women together to discuss issues affecting them
On Tuesday November 25 men called male champions that are strongly supporting women’s activities were trained. Exchange visit of 20 women from Moyamba to Pujehun were done at the end of the week
Similar trainings were held for Malen and Makpele the following week