Posts Tagged: Play31

“We are not here to break legs,” Chief says

Before the commencement of the foot ball tournament for reconciliation in Kissi Teng chiefdom, Kundu Section Chief, Sahr Wundeh Falleh called on participating teams to play the game as brothers and sisters in the spirit of reconciliation. “We are not here to break legs but to build peace in our communities,“ Chief Falleh stressed, adding… Read more »

Regent Chief comments on Football for Reconciliation!

Fambul Tok’s Football for Reconciliation galas have kicked off well around Kailahun District. At the recent gala, over 500 hundred people were in attendance and not to mention people from Liberia and Guinea. Below are some pictures from the event: During the opening speech Regent Chief had some words to say: The Regent Chief of… Read more »