In this powerful 2-part interview on NewsMaxTV, John Caulker identifies the missing dimension in Ebola response in Sierra Leone – mobilizing communities and ordinary people to lead. He talks about the leadership role rural women are taking in sensitizing their communities now, and the need for more channels to support that important role. John argues eloquently… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Peace Mothers
Announcing new short film on Peace Mothers
The women of Sierra Leone suffered uniquely during the 11-year civil war, yet they are now leading the way to peace in their country. Calling themselves “Peace Mothers” their courageous example is inspiring others around the world and illuminating a new power for peace to celebrate this Mothers’ Day. To help celebrate this power for… Read more »
Peace Mothers’ chairlady re-instated
Had it not been for the timely intervention of Fambul Tok staff, the entire Peace Mothers group in Saba two section, Sowa chiefdom, Pujehun district, would have dissolved. This was due to accusations by group members that their chairlady, Madam Amie Kijan had misused their funds and left the village unceremoniously. They stated that unless… Read more »
‘Empowering Women’ is theme of Fambul Tok meeting
The Chairman, Alex Bhonapha, of the Kailahun District Council has emphasized that Fambul Tok International—Sierra Leone should take the onus to go beyond reconciliation in post conflict Sierra Leone and elsewhere. Chairman Bhonapha addressed Paramount chiefs, councilors, Fambul Tok Peace Mothers and local authorities in a one-day meeting organized by Fambul Tok on how to… Read more »
Fish Farming Boosts Income for Peace Mothers
The idea of piloting fish farming in Kono, Moyamba and Koinadugu districts by Fambul Tok was a result of earlier district consultations held with Peace Mothers. Through interactive discussions, the Peace Mothers debated different ways in which to embark on development activities in their various communities. During these sessions, two promising leads emerged — the introduction… Read more »
Peace Mothers celebrate support for fish farming
As a way to empower rural women in the country in accordance with this year’s theme “Empower rural women-end hunger and poverty”, Fambul Tok International-Sierra Leone, with funds from Catalyst for Peace, and Tides Foundation in the United States has supported Peace Mothers in Koinadugu, Kono and Moyamba districts to start fish farming in their… Read more »
Fambul Tok organizes interactive sessions for Peace Mothers
Fambul Tok continues to create space for people to meet, discuss and find a way forward — together. For the past two weeks, Fambul Tok organized interactive sessions for Peace Mothers groups in Kono, Kailahun, Moyamba, Kono and Bombali districts. According to the Executive Director of Fambul Tok International, John Caulker, the purpose of the… Read more »
“Illiteracy is not a stumbling block,” Feijia declares
The perception of many elites, especially in sub-saharan Africa, is that people cannot contribute positively to any development program if they have not been formally educated. Even though millions of people have various talents and could contribute to the development of their various communities in one way or the other, the elites continue to disregard… Read more »
“We intend to support our children”…Peace Mothers
Women’s groups (called Peace Mothers) in various sections in Koinadugu district have decided to use the profits from their work to assist their communities’ children, especially to support them attending schools. This determination is a way of contributing in their own little way to their communities. Speaking to the chairlady of Fambul Tok Peace Mothers… Read more »
Boroma:The fish trade boom
Fambul Tok peace mothers in Kailahun, Kono, Moyamba and Koinadugu districts all give testimonies of bumper harvests of their farms this year. As Fambul Tok walks alongside these groups, they have started realizing more and more of their potential, planning larger farms and using their savings for more income generating projects like starting markets. In… Read more »
PPP News and Events

Peace mother becomes first female town chief in Darsalam
A peace mother who was charged with the task of charge coordinating activities of her colleagues in Darsalam,Kasunko chiefdom Koinadugu district was recently chosen as the very first female town chief ever in the history of Darsalam 1 in Kasunko Kakelain chiefdom Koinadugu district. Madam Neneh Binta Barrie was... Read More >

68 Teacher coordinators undergo training on transitional justice /management of school clubs
A total of sixty eight teacher cooridinators from 34 junior secondary schools in Kailahun.Moyamba,Pujehun and Koinadugu districts have just concluded training sessions in various district headquarters towns. These sessions helped teachers to strengthen their work on transitional justice and management of peace clubs in their various districts.It was organised... Read More >