Posts Tagged: local peacebuilding

Press Release: Fambul Tok’s new Ebola prevention campaign

PRESS RELEASE – October 21st – Fambul Tok International – Sierra Leone “Wash your hands frequently with soap and water to avoid Ebola” Fambul Tok International – Sierra Leone, today October 21st launches a Campaign: Wash your hands frequently with soap and water to avoid Ebola. Fambul Tok’s Peace Mothers are leading in every aspect of… Read more »

In Ebola response, let’s also think LONG TERM and LOCAL

As the Ebola crisis has unfolded in Sierra Leone (and West Africa, and beyond), the pull to the urgent is strong.  And rightfully so – everyone wants to act swiftly and effectively to stop the spread of the disease, as well as to provide healing care for all those impacted.  The Fambul Tok staff is… Read more »