24th June 2021 Fambul Tok provided Livelihood support to Peace Mothers in Kondembaia & Fulla Town communities in Diang Chiefdom, #Koinadugu, northern #SierraLeone to boost the economic status of community women. inputs include palm oil, caustic soda, rubber bowls & seed rice. The Peace Mothers coordinator Hawa Conteh said the donations should be used to enhance their income generation activities. She said Fambul Tok want them to develop sustainable income generation skills that will enable them to survive in the absence of donor support. “We believe that communities have all it takes for their sustainable development and peace building.” The peace mothers expressed their appreciation to fambul Tok for the support especially in trying economic times created by Covid19 pandemic.
PPP News and Events

Peace mother becomes first female town chief in Darsalam
A peace mother who was charged with the task of charge coordinating activities of her colleagues in Darsalam,Kasunko chiefdom Koinadugu district was recently chosen as the very first female town chief ever in the history of Darsalam 1 in Kasunko Kakelain chiefdom Koinadugu district. Madam Neneh Binta Barrie was... Read More >

68 Teacher coordinators undergo training on transitional justice /management of school clubs
A total of sixty eight teacher cooridinators from 34 junior secondary schools in Kailahun.Moyamba,Pujehun and Koinadugu districts have just concluded training sessions in various district headquarters towns. These sessions helped teachers to strengthen their work on transitional justice and management of peace clubs in their various districts.It was organised... Read More >