Fambul Tok (FT) with support from Africa Transitional Justice Legacy Fund (ATJLF) on 23rd March joins Wan Fambul School Peace clubs to commemorate the start of civil war in Sierra Leone 31years ago.

St.Peter’s Secondary School Peace Clubs Observe War Anniversary

Benevolent School Principal Receives T-Shirts and Manuals
Five newly established peace clubs in the chiefdoms of Fakunya and Kongbora in the #Moyamba district also joined the commemoration in their diverse ways. Sixteen other schools clubs in FT operational areas also mark the historic day that brought untold misery to the people of Sierra Leone for eleven odd years.
Pupils and teacher coordinators of Benevolent secondary school, Government secondary school in Moyamba junction in Fakunya chiefdom and St Peters Junior Secondary School (JSS) , Bishop Keilie Memorial Junior Secondary School (JSS) and St Martin’s JSS in Kongbora chiefdom commemorated the historical day with drama, football, oral history and received Peace Club Guides and Wan Fambul Peace Club T-shirts from Fambul Tok staff.
During experience sharing sessions, invited community member, Reverend Sarah, explained her bitter experience during the brutal civil war and how she lost most of her family members and their only house was burnt down. Mrs. Kabbah, principal of the Benevolent secondary school, thanked Fambul Tok for the timely event in their school as this will not only shape the pupils to become agents of change but also help communities to be peaceful and enhance sustainable development.

Government Secondary School Moyamba Junction
At St Peters Secondary school FT school club members in Bauya Guest Speaker Reverend Marion Kalokoh gave a brief history of the war to the pupils, it effects, the issues that caused the war and the aftermath of the war. She then asked the pupils if war was a good thing. They all answered No!
Fambul Tok staff Joseph Kargbo and Valisious Kamara admonished peace club members to resist influence by peers to engage in any form of violence that will undermine the peaceful atmosphere of their schools and communities. He also explained to them about transitional justice. And the role of Fambul Tok and The African Transitional Justice Legacy Fund (ATJLF) in peace-building in Sierra Leone and the sub-region.