Mowoto Truth-telling Bonfire Settles Five Disputes

Fambul Tok and Africa transitional Justice Legacy Fund (ATJLF) truth-telling bonfire ceremony at Mowoto village in the Kongbora Chiefdom, Moyamba District, in southern Sierra Leone facilitates confessions and reconciliation among 400 community people.

On the 18th February 2021, the Moyamba team organized a bonfire night and a healing ceremony on 19th February 2021`at Mowoto village in the Mowoto section. About 220 women and 180 men witnessed the occasion

The bonfire night started with traditional and cultural performances followed by confessions, forgiveness and healing of perpetrators and victims. Mediators were able to solve all five cases that showed up. Though most of them were among neighbors, they could have far reaching consequences for stability and cohesion of the community! One of the outstanding issues was between Maseray Sam, a fifty -years old woman, and Musu Lamboi, a 25-year of age woman, living in the same compound. The two have not been on speaking terms for over five years. According to Maseray Sam, Musu Lamboi constantly interfered with her matrimonial home. The mediators later reunited the two amidst loud cheering and singing.

At sunrise, the community people offered both Muslim and Christian prayers. They asked for peace to reign in their section. Food was later served among community people.