Lower Banta GRC Members at Mosenesie
Grievance Redress Committee (GRC) members in Lower Banta chiefdom has just ended their last monthly meeting at Mosenesie, Moyamba district, southern Sierra Leone.
This meeting was very successful as Farmer Based Organizations in the WFP livelihood project also formed part of the meeting.
The gathering started with updates from all nine sections.
According to almost all sections no major issues have been recorded for the past quarter of 2021
Office of National Security boss in Lower Banta, Eric Dumbuya, said the chiefdom enjoys a peaceful atmosphere. He said one of the challenges has to do with the suspension of the chiefdom youth leader by the district youth leadership.
He said the Peace Building project has been so successful that there has been no road blocks mounted over the past one year. He said, “The creation of GRCs was a big blessing to the people of Lower Banta”.
Farmers Based Organizations membership also highlighted successes especially in the livelihood project.
Councilor Solomon Lavalie was grateful to the Office of Vice President, Fambul Tok and both UNDP and WFP and called for the extension of the project duration.
Women’s leader Baby Keifala called on her colleagues in GRC and chiefdom leadership to continue their good interventions to restore peace and unity in all sections.
Project Officer Solomon Yarjoh on behalf of Fambul Tok and partners said he was happy to have the last meeting for 2021 with farmers, so that both GRCs and farmers, share knowledge and find possible solutions to challenges in their communities.
The meeting ended on strong hope of sustainability even after the close of the PBF project.