Grievance Redress Committee members were in good spirit today during their December monthly meeting in Mokelleh, Upper Banta chiefdom, Moyamba district, southern Sierra Leone.

L Banta GRC

Youth Leaders Reconcile
Most member’s outspokenly showered praise on the Peace Building project, especially, Fambul Tok and sponsors UNDP and WFP.
According to chiefdom youth chairman, John Ndoinje there is peace and unity in communities now more than before. He said in 2021 Sierra Rutile has released funds to affected communities which was delayed over the years. He added that through the work of GRCs in the chiefdom not many cases are now going to the chiefs
Mohamed Ansumana of Kinafallay section said through the project they as members of the GRC are now respected and recognize

Lower Banta GRC Members
d by community people. He cited an incident where the Chinese company Sierra Organic Farm had problem with land owners but through the efforts of GRCs and traditional leaders it was resolved peacefully
Jeneba Barbar of Songo section disclosed that the work of GRCs ensured the election of women’s leadership in the chiefdom
She said women were pushed behind but through the skills they have learnt from Fambul Tok engagements women today stand tall among men.
What climaxed the meeting was the peace and reconciliation sessions held to unite women youth chairlady and the new chiefdom women’s chairlady. Both have not being on speaking terms after the women’s elections.
The youth chairman too had problems with his deputy women’s youth leader. GRC members encouraged all parties to embrace peace and work in the interest of the people of Lower Banta.