Fambul Tok Holds CWMC Training For Yalunka Susu Section

Fambul Tok holds  Community Welfare and Mediation Committee (CWMC) training session in the Yalunka/Susu Section, Sengbe Chiefdom, Koinadugu, northern Sierra Leone.
The Section Chief, Pa Mohamed Kollah Turay, welcomes participants and expresses his appreciation for the

training to be held at a crucial time in his Section. He commends Fambul Tok’s work on peace, community cohesion and development.

Fambul Tok’s Field Officer Issa Kamara and Peace Mother’s head, Hawa Conteh train participants on topics ranging from communication, mediation and reconciliation, leadership  and values of Fambul Tok.
Fambul  Tok’s Mariama Tommy says CWMCs should abide by the core values of the organisation  and focus on the goal of keeping communities peaceful and cohesive
Fambul Tok’s Alima expresses her delight to witness such a very important occasion and encourages CWMCs to take back what they have benefited from the training to their respective communities. She added that the training should serve as a motivation for peace and development in their communities.