Fambul Tok Boosts Konio Peace Mothers Soap Production

On the 20th September 2021, Fambul Tok Kailahun team handed over soap-making items consisting  of one bag caustic soda, 12 gallons of palm oil, two big rubber bowls and one packet of gloves to Konio section Peace Mothers in Cheseneh community, Konio section, Kissi Teng chiefdom, kailahun district. A to

Konio Peace Mothers Executive

tal number of 9 female members and one male attended the meeting.

Sallay Conteh the Peace Mothers’ Treasurer thanked Fambul Tok for the donation and for ensuring unity, awareness and prevalence of peace among community people especially for women’s inclusion. She stated that people have been pointing fingers on them and calling them names but this intervention shows Fambul Tok cares for its Peace Mothers.

The group’s chairlady Femata James also expressed her satisfaction over the handing over ceremony.  She assured Fambul Tok that she will keep the group in working order to produce and supply the entire section and even beyond with enough soap. She further stated that they need no trainer for the production because Fambul Tok has developed their knowledge long ago.

The handing over ceremony ended with the team lead Lucia Brima encouraging Peace Mothers to continue their activity and bring more women on board.