Fambul Tok Moyamba field officers, with support from African Transitional Justice Legacy Fund, facilitate Chiefdom Peace Mothers executive formation in Fakunya Chiefdom on Friday 26th February 2021.
Present at the executive formation were Peace Mothers representatives from all eleven sections in the chiefdom. The overall reason for having the Chiefdom executive includes but not limited to: strengthen the work of peace mothers groups, provide networking among other groups, supervise and monitor the activities of sectional groups.
The following Peace Mothers were elected in to executive positions:
- Mariama Turay- Chairlady
- Josephine Nyayepeh- Vice Chairlady
- Sandra M Sesay- Secretary
- Rebecca Lamin- Treasurer
The elected Chairlady, Mariama Turay, thanked Fambul Tok and partners for setting up the chiefdom Peace Mothers’ executive and promised that they will work diligently to bring peace and cohesion to their communities.
They agreed to meet at Maninga section on the 5th February 2021 for their first rotational meeting.