Eight months after their reconciliation ceremony, Yengema community, Kailahun District, are now experiencing a sign of ingenuity, unity, and progress. Town chief Karimu Lamin attributes the progress to the ancestors accepting the communities plea for reconciliation and peace. In passing, he said they are encountering an expectational harvest and victims, offenders, and witnesses are now working together to develop the community.
The willingness of the community to let go of issues dividing them has gone a long way. They have unified and divided themselves into groups of fifteen to undertake their farming initiatives. The chief explained it was Fambul Tok that insisted that we work together and consequently they have started collaborating.
The youth leader, Senesie Alpha, said his colleagues are now demonstrating good manners in the community since confessing at the bon fire. He mentioned that they will never do the wrong things again to their own community members.
The unity and progress was evident, the community has constructed four new houses with their own resources and they all expressed gratitude towards the project for initiating togetherness. Below are some pictures:
Written by Pel Koroma (Communication Officer)