Posts By: Solomon Yarjoh

IDPDC to engage chiefs,Councilors to resolve impasse

The Kailahun Inclusive District and Peace and Development Committee(IDPDC) in its first meeting has resolved to organize a one day stakeholders’s meeting at the end of the month to settle numerous challenges and the way forward for the development of the District. IDPDC meeting at Luawa resort in Kailahun One of the major challenges in… Read more »

Prof. Kandeh calls for local mobilization of resources

Moyamba District Council chairman who is also chair of the Inclusive District Peace and Development Committee(IDPDC) has emphasized the need for organizations and communities in the district to put hands on deck to raise funds for the implementation of projects According to Prof Herbert Bob Kandeh,communities have a lot of local resources that should be… Read more »

Development needs to go beyond where better roads stop-John Caulker

The Executive Director of Fambul Tok International-Sierra Leone says organizations working with communities especially in the post ebola era in Sierra Leone should not only focus their activities on communities that have good road networks but should take into consideration difficult terrains.   He was addressing traditional leaders,women,youth and other community members at the Kailahun… Read more »

Koinadugu District Calls for Post-Ebola Interventions

The people of Koinadugu district have unanimously agreed to rebuild their various chiefdoms in the Post-Ebola era.  Koinadugu learned from the bold steps taken by the people of Kailahun District to eradicate Ebola and ensure that the disease does not re-occur any longer.  They are determined to heal and recover from the damages left by… Read more »

Post-Ebola Reconciliation is Vital for Sustainable Development

Paramount Chief of Nieni chiefdom has emphasized that Post-Ebola activities in communities will be meaningless if communities do not reconcile and work together. Nieni chiefdom was the first area hit by Ebola in Koinadugu. The traditional leader, Alimamy Umaru Jalloh 111 made this statement as he addressed participants from various villages that converged at Kumala… Read more »

Sahr and Nyuma Promote Peace in Sierra Leone

Sahr and Nyuma were barely teenagers when the defunct Revolutionary United Front(RUF) rebels invaded their villages.  Once the closest of friends, Sahr, who lives in Kpekeledu village and Nyuma, also from Kpekedu in Kissi Teng chiefdom, Kailahun district had been brutally torn apart by decade long civil conflict in Sierra Leone. Sahr and his father… Read more »

Kissi Teng Prepares to be Involved in Post-Ebola Activities

  After the cessation of hostilities and the declaration of the end of Sierra Leone’s civil war, many organizations implemented community projects in various parts of the country.  Despite millions of dollars from international donors and partners to the country for post-war activities almost all projects collapsed because they had no sustainability plan. One of… Read more »

Malen Peace Mothers Provide Local Resources

  As part of their own contribution to community development, Peace Mothers in Lower Pemba and Kaheimor sections in Malen Chiefdom, Pujehun district have mobilized local resources toward the soap making process.  These include gallons of palm oil and other materials.   In Gboyama village on March 5, 2015, Sheku Koroma from Fambul Tok appreciated… Read more »

SLAJ Yellow Ribbon Campaign

  Fambul Tok International-Sierra Leone has extolled the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) Yellow Ribbon Campaign initiative, emphasizing that SLAJ is doing is a great thing to help end Ebola disease in the country. On Friday, March 20, 2015, Fambul Tok headquarter office in Freetown welcomed the President of SLAJ, Kelvin Lewis and his… Read more »