On December 17-20, 2009, the Kailahun District community of Bunumbu and District Executive will host an agricultural show, commonly known as “Cocoa Show”. This event was held annually around the country before the war, however, the conflict created an immense setback. The Bunumbu community realized reviving the agricultural show is important to their tradition and enhancing food security, so they approached the program with the initiative. The program is walking alongside the community to promote their initiative. Community members and farmers are expected to exhibit their harvest and display new agricultural innovations.
On November 25, 2009 the community held a press conference in Freetown and invited the nation. During the holiday season most people return to their villages, so hopefully their invitation will yield a positive turnout. We at Fambul Tok are anticipating the event and cant wait for the 17th. I’ll update you after the show…
PS. Happy Holidays from Catalyst for Peace and Fambul Tok Sierra Leone!!!