Gbense Chiefdom Holds Peace Gala

Fambul Tok supports football gala aimed at promoting peace and social cohesion under the UNDP Human security project at Yaadu Gbense in the Gbense chiefdom of Kono district, eastern #sierraleone.

Two teams compromising of youths from the various sections within the chiefdom are playing on non-competitive basis with football jerseys and other sporting equipment provided by Fambul Tok Interna

FT Lilian Morsay explains Peace and National Cohesion to players and Spectators


Team A and Team B in Group Photo

Project Officer and head of Peace Mothers Lilian Morsay sensitize players and spectators on political tolerance, peaceful coexistence, and non-violence elections. Bayafeh, Bayakor and  Monidefeh sections had Team A in Yellow and Bafinfeh and Moindikor sections of Team B in White. The match ends with jubilation by all sides.