Fambul Tok (FT) through the Wan Fambul National Secretariat and in collaboration with the Chiefdom Stakeholders and people of Soa chiefdom in Kono district and the Kono district Council and in the presence of other key Government Ministry representatives and, other development partners, officially facilitated the process of reviewing and validating the draft Chiefdom Plan for Soa chiefdom. The document which was put together through
consultations with members of the various communities and sections within the Chiefdom reflects the developmental aspirations and needs of the Soa chiefdom people. It also highlights strategies for promoting peaceful coexistence in the chiefdom as well as the locally available human and material resources to be utilized in addition to supports from the government and its partners, through the district council, for the implementation of the plan.
According to Executive Director of Fambul Tok John Caulker, “This is the official launching of the Peoples Planning Process (PPP) as a government adopted and supported blue print for promoting a truly inclusive participation in development planning processes across all chiefdoms in the country, through the district councils”.
In attendance were the Senior District Officer of Kono district, the District Council Chairman and the councillors of Soa, Paramount Chief Tamba Emmanuel Torche Foyoh IV of Sao chiefdom, and a host of senior directors from the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, Ministry of Development and Economic Planning, Ministry of Finance and the Office of the Vice President. Also in attendance was a team from the USA and Canada representing the International Advisory Team for the National Wan Fambul National Framework, led by Catalyst for Peace (CFP) Libby Hoffman.
Various speakers expressed appreciation to FT for the PPP initiative and called on the government to expedite its roll out across the country.
According Councilor Sahr Gbondo, Chairman of Kono District Council, the PPP approach goes beyond what council normally does in undertaking needs assessment and formulating their development plans. This approach goes right down to the communities and it is truly participatory and all inclusive. He called on government to support FT and the Kono district council in extending the process to other chiefdoms in the district.
Statements were also made by the Director of Local Government Alex Bonapha Esq, the Director of Decentralization an

Minister of Local Government and Rural Development Tamba Lamina Launches Soa Chiefdom Development Plan
d the Director of Finance in the Decentralization Department in the Ministry of Finance.
On the fo
llowing day visits were made to some sections to assess the impact of the PPP and Fambul Tok’s intervention in Soa chiefdom. The team witnessed community reconciliation through mediation by Community Welf
are and Mediation Committees and Peace Mothers
at Gbamandu in the Morfinkor section a
nd various other activities in other sections.
On the 17th of November, the Minister of Local

Government and Rural Development
Ambassador Tamba J. Lamina witnessed t
he formation and inauguration of the Soa chiefdom Development Coordinating Committee (CDCC).The event was climaxed with the official presentation of the validated Soa Chiefdom Plan to the minister by the chairman of Kono district council on behalf of the people of Soa for support in its implementation.
In his key note address, Mr. Lamina thanked Fambul Tok and the people of Soa for the great job and called on other partners to emulate the shining example of fusing peace promotion into development programs and in making planning processes truly inclusive and participatory.