Fambul Tok facilitates town hall meeting at Bauya to strengthen Peace Mothers and Community Welfare and Mediation Committee (CWMC) capacity to facilitate mediation and healing programs, and restore cohesive communities in Kongbora chiefdom, Moyamba district in southern Sierra Leone. The meting supported by Africa Transitional Justice Legacy Fund (AJTLF) discusses the following:
- Chiefdom speaker is slow in taking action as the Paramount Chief is sick
- Inadequate health facilities, for example, 4 out of 10 sections in the chiefdom have Public Health Units
- Land conflicts among sections: Tangea, Senehun, Gondama and Mowoto
- Increase in gender based violence (GBV)
- Increased failure in public exams
- Non-payment of revolving micro credit loans by beneficiaries that stalls the assistance programme.
Section chiefs, youth leaders, peace mothers, community welfare and mediation committee, women’s leaders, treasury clerk, chiefdom speaker, people with disability, health and education ministries representatives were among participants.