Fambul Tok facilitates bonfire ceremony at Mobonor section, Kongbora chiefdom, Moyamba, southern Sierra Leone with funds from the African Transitional Justice Legacy Fund.

There were traditional dances, masquerades and drumming prologue the actual confessions. A total of about 500 people from all sectional villages witnessed the 2nd March ceremony.
Section Speaker, Samba Lamin in his welcome address said: “peace is a key tool for sustainable development and that is what Fambul Tok is bringing to our section”. He said the section was relatively peaceful since Fambul came. He continued that the cooperation shown by all villages towards the bonfire ceremony clearly “shows that Mobonor people are ready for peace”. He ended by welcoming Fambul Tok staff and all neighbouring villages to the bonfire ceremony.
A total of nine cases were resolved by the reconciliation committee among which was between Martha Lassayo and Pa Samuel Maggay. Martha explained that when Pa Maggay’s goat ate her rice she took no punitive action. On the contrary, she was the one who was taken to the chiefs by Pa Maggay when her own goat ate pa Maggay’s groundnut and huge amount of money was claimed from her. So she refused to speak to him since then. Pa Maggay refused to accept the claim but the reconciliation committee stepped in and advised both parties to control their animals. They were reconciled and are now in speaking terms.
At sunrise, they offered both Christian and Muslim prayers and food was shared among people.