A total of sixty eight teacher cooridinators from 34 junior secondary schools in Kailahun.Moyamba,Pujehun and Koinadugu districts have just concluded training sessions in various district headquarters towns.
These sessions helped teachers to strengthen their work on transitional justice and management of peace clubs in their various districts.It was organised by Fambul Tok with support from the African Transitional Justice Legacy Fund(ATJLF) is part of an ongoing efforts to promote peace and strengthen alternative disput

e resolution mechanisms through the ‘wan fambul’ school peace clubs .According to the lead trainer,James Vincent the sessions equipped teachers with the necessary tools to manage school peace clubs effectively.’The training will help you understand the rationale for establishing peace clubs in schools,and you will learn methods for managing and resolving conflicts among pupils’ Vincent explained.We also appreciate your roles as coordinators in promoting peaceful coexistence,
During the sessions participants shared their experiences especially with the new coordinators and expressed their commitment to promoting peace through the school program

‘This training has given us a better understanding of how we can guide our pupils to resolve conflicts peacefully’ remarked Hawanatu Gbabai one of the new coordinators
The peace clubs program started in 2013 and is designed to provide students with the knomledge and skills to resolve disputes amicably,fostering a culture of peace from a young age.