Fambul Tok staff identify more schools in the chiefdoms of Fakunya and Kongbora in Moyamba district, southern Sierra Leone to set up Wan Fambul Peace clubs. The 5 schools are Government Secondary School and Benevolent Secondary School in Moyamba Junction; Saint Peter’s Junior Secondary School in Bawuya and Bishop Kellie Junior Secondary School in Kongbora chiefdom; and Saint

Bishop Kaili Memorial School
Martin’s Junior Secondary School Lawana. The visits were from the 3rd to the 4th March 2022.

Government Secondary School
During the visits to the schools Joseph M Kargbo explained to school authorities that Fambul Tok has always been committed to promoting inclusivity in community, truth telling, healing and reconciliation that is truly community owned process. He continues that the Wan Fambul peace clubs in schools are to help young people that did not have firsthand experience or the effects of the brutal 11 years civil war in Sierra Leone to learn from adults community elders through oral history and experience sharing in general interaction in various activities for a generational change, with the opportunity to participate in peace promotion in the schools/ communities.
FT Elizabeth Kolugbonda told school authorities that for transparency and accountability, selected teacher coordinators must follow the criteria for selecting school peace clubs pupils to enhance quality education. Mrs. Musu Kabba, principal Government Secondary School Moyamba junction in the Fakunya chiefdom, thanked Fambul Tok for their timely intervention in their school to catch them young to know the benefit of peace and hazards of war to prevent political tension and other forms of violence that undermined the peaceful atmosphere in schools/communities.
In the pilot phase sixteen Wan Fambul schools were selected in Moyamba, Pujehun, Kailahun and Koinadugu districts to bring young people on board as peace ambassadors through the activities of the school peace clubs. This helped to bridge the gap between the older and younger generations in promoting inclusiveness in peace building, governance and sustainable community development.