Host town chief, Pa Kulie Koroma welcoming participants said FT intervention was timely as the chiefdom has a host of issues including conflicts among mining companies and local artisanal miners. The miners saw the companies as encroaching on their communities’ traditional livelihood space. Land dispute among communities was another burning issue in the chiefdom.
The community representatives elected the new Madrifeh CWMC executive as follows:
- Chairman – Bockarie Tholle – Fogo village
- Vice chairperson – Madam Sunkarie Kargbo – Bod Os village
- Secretary – Alhaji Saccoh – Bikor village
- Treasurer – Sheik Sulaiman Sankoh – Bod Is
- Public Relations Officer 1 – Hassan Koroma – Herekor
- Public Relations Officer 2 -: Saio Thollie – Fogo village
- Advisor 1 – Mohamed Saccoh – Gbenekoro
- Advisor 2 – Tamba Koroma – Dankan village
- Auditor – Sheku Turay – Fogo village
The CWMC Vice chairperson, Madam Sunkarie Kargbo of Bod Os village, reiterated the loss of local household income because of the activities of the mining companies and called on women in the chiefdom to close ranks and support the work of the Madrifeh CWMC.
The date and venue for their first rotational was also agreed.