Yearly Archives: 2009

Kailahun calls on Govt. to declare March 23rd National Day for Reflection

Paramount Chief of Upper Bambara chiefdom, Kailahun district Cyril Foray Gondor II has on behalf of the people of the chiefdom and Bomaru Town called on the government of Sierra Leone to declare March 23rd,the date the war started in Sierra Leone,a national day for reflection. Speaking at a press conference on Monday at Forum… Read more »

Fambul Tok trains focal persons in Kono

As Fambul Tok community reconciliation project continues to gain momentum in Sierra Leone, it continues to expand its activities in the country. Kono district, one of the districts that was badly hit during the rebel war has recently embraced Fambul Tok because of its use of traditional methods in reconciling communities. The project was launched… Read more »